
Teaching Your Child Good Oral Habits

Teaching children good oral habits is easier than you might think. As a matter of fact, because children are so happy to learn and are so easy to teach as they grow and develop, the entire process of teaching your child good oral habits can be fun, interesting and engaging. One of the first steps in helping children enjoy a better quality of oral health is to simply teach the basics such as brushing and flossing. When children learn the proper way to brush and floss, they enjoy a higher level of dental health and a greatly reduced risk of cavities and dental disease.


brushing teeth


Making Brushing and Flossing Interesting for Kids


One of the keys to getting the most out of teaching children good oral habits is to make it fun. There are many products available on the market today that make tooth brushing and flossing fun and interesting. From character themed toothbrushes to fun flavored toothpaste, the possibilities are endless when it comes to making brushing and flossing interesting for kids. Another key consideration for adults is making sure the children participate in healthy practices such as eating a nutritious and healthy diet. While all kids love candy, it is vital to teach the importance of eating fresh fruit and vegetables and other healthy foods.


drinking water


Drink Plenty of Water


This not only improves overall general health, but it is especially critical to maintaining good dental health through all stages of life. Children should be taught to drink plenty of water as a way to keep the teeth clean throughout the day. Kids must also understand the importance of not putting hard objects in their mouth and chewing on plastic or metal items. This is a sure way to chip the teeth and cause serious dental related problems. Because kids are so attentive and interested in learning, this is the perfect opportunity to show your child good oral habits. Contact your Stockton dentist for kids, Sajjad Rizvi DDS at Happy Kids Dental today to learn more about how to teach your child good oral habits.


[1] What Is Orthodontics For Kids?
[2] Dental Crowns for Children



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