
Learn More About Endodontics

Learn More About Endodontics

Endodontics is a particular kind of dentistry that involves the roots and soft matter found within the tooth. There are many instances where dentists specialize specifically in endodontics as opposed to other types of general dentistry. This often requires several years of additional studying even after completing a regular course in dentistry. It may also involve a Masters degree depending on the particular program. Endodontics most frequently targets complex cases known as root canals. Millions of these procedures are performed successfully each and every year across the country.

Diseased Pulp

It is important to note that a general dental care provider will typically not perform a root canal. That is why it is good to understand endodontics and what it involves. A root canal is usually needed when the pulp within the tooth or the root becomes diseased. When this happens the diseased pulp must be extracted from below the tooth through a small hole drilled directly into the tooth. Most importantly, many patients turned to endodontics as a way to relieve unrelenting tooth related pain.

General Anesthesia Can Be Used as Necessary
General Anesthesia Can Be Used as Necessary

Having a root canal is one of the best ways to eliminate a severe or serious toothache. The good news is that the procedure itself is actually not very painful considering the fact that it is done under anesthesia. In most cases it is done using local anesthesia but there are some cases where general anesthesia can be used as necessary. Typical endodontic care requires only a few visits to your endodontist. A temporary filling is often used initially to allow healing to occur. When the patient returns a crown that is permanent in nature is ultimately placed. Contact your Stockton pediatric dentist, Dr. Rizvi at Happy Kids Dental today to learn more.

[1] How Long Does A Root Canal Take?
[2] What is Endodontics?

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