
How to Help a Teething Baby

Many people mistake teething as a pathological condition which is a myth. Teething is a process every kid has to go through to get healthy teeth, but it comes with some temporary clinical features. Some signs indicate that your child is teething. Symptoms such as diarrhea, low-grade fever, etc. But the most obvious one is that kids become fussy irritated during the whole process. Pediatricians recommend several ways to soothe the gums like:


Applying Pressure



Applying pressure on the gums will relieve the pain in your kids. Apply pressure on the gums with your finger or a soft piece of cloth. First, apply the pressure very gently to check if the baby is ok with it or not. If they feel any discomfort, discontinue the treatment. But if not, then go on rubbing their teeth gently; it will soothe the pain.


Icing to Minimise Pain and Discomfort


Using a soft and cold cloth will also be a good alleviator of pain in your teething baby. You can put the cloth in the freezer or wet it with ice-cold water and give it to your baby to chew on. Cold fruits can also help in relieving the pain. Some teething toys have gel-like material inside that can also be frozen and then given. It will work as both cold and pressure material.


Offer a Teether


There are tons of options available in the market for teething toys. The rings of solid material prove to be more beneficial than the liquid ones as they are prone to breakage. Buy a suitable size for your baby. But keep in mind the sanitization of the ring because it goes directly into the mouth, and even a minor infection can be hazardous as your baby is at teeth developing stage. Boil them regularly and wash them with clean water before handing them to your kids.


Teething Medicines


Teething medicines should be your last option, as all pediatricians suggest that natural remedies are more beneficial for a teething baby. They will not interfere and alter the natural process of teething. But in case if the pain is more severe, get teething drops or pain-relieving medicines like ibuprofen or paracetamol at the recommendation of your pediatrician or dentist.




There is no fixed time for teething; it can last for several months, but sometimes it will be over in a couple of days. You can adopt specific ways to help your baby, but keep in mind that hygiene is the most crucial step of all. Whatever you are using, whether it is a wet cloth, your fingers, or teething toys, make sure they are clean and free of germs as the germs will go directly into the mouth, which can cause gut infections. It will also disturb the natural process of teething. If you find any change in your baby's health or a high-grade fever, visit your pediatrician or dentist.


Contact your dentist in Stockton, Sajjad Rizvi, DDS at Happy Kids Dental today for more information.




The Impact Of Sugar on Children’s Teeth


*Neither this nor any other content in this media is meant to prescribe, recommend, or prevent any treatment or procedure. We highly recommend that you get the advice of a qualified dentist or other medical practitioners regarding your specific dental condition.

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