
Healthy Oral Habits For School Kids

Begin the school year on the right foot with a dental cleaning and examination. Inquire about sealants and fluoride treatments for decay prevention with your child's dentist. There are simple strategies to ward off cavities before they begin. Additionally, they can help your youngster do better in school. A third of youngsters are absent from school due to oral health issues.

There is a strong possibility that many children do not spend enough time brushing their teeth in the morning rush. Instead, they may choose to grab a sweet snack on their way out the door.

Healthy Habits For A Healthy Mouth
  • Develop Regular Brushing Habits: The most fundamental guideline is to brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste last thing at night and at least one more during day. It's a good idea for parents to supervise their children until they are sure they can brush for the whole two minutes unaccompanied. It often occurs between the ages of seven and eight.
  • Choose The Right Toothpaste: Children are frequently picky about the tastes of food they eat. Because toothpaste comes in various flavors, let them choose one they like. Ensure that the toothpaste you purchase contains the recommended quantity of fluoride, regardless of the flavor. All youngsters under three should use a toothpaste containing at least 1000pm fluoride (parts per million).
  • Don't Forget To Floss: To maintain a healthy mouth, children should brush twice daily for two minutes at a time. Additionally, they should floss daily, ideally after supper.
  • Make Brushing Fun: Utilize a calendar with stickers. Allow your children to decorate each day with stickers representing brushing and flossing.
    • Make Music: Collect you children's favorite two-minute songs and supervise them.
    • Personalize: Assist your youngsters in selecting a themed toothbrush in their preferred color.
    • Provide Child-Friendly Floss Holder: These Y-shaped gadgets aid in the ease of flossing.
  • Choose The Right Toothbrush: The ideal brush is a small-to-medium-sized one with soft-to-medium bristles. It is the perfect mouth size for your youngsters. Also, replace the toothbrush regularly, as the bristles get worn and allow bacterial growth.
  • Take Dietary Responsibilities: It is also necessary to educate children about nutrition. Encourage your children to bring a nutritious lunch and snacks to school. Avoid sugary meals and beverages; instead, favor breadsticks, vegetables, and even cheese, which is an excellent choice since it assists in the removal of toxic acid. Your children have a greater understanding of what is and is not healthy, which benefits not just their oral health but their overall health.
  • Substitute Healthy Alternatives: Consider nuts in place of chips or crackers. While salty snacks appear to be healthful due to their absence of sugar, plain carbs can be just as unhealthy. These foods degrade into a gooey substance that coats the teeth and promotoes rotting. Rather than candy and granola bars, give nutritious snacks such as celery sticks, baby carrots, cheddar cheese cubes.

To learn more on how to develop healthy oral habits in kids, contact your Stockton dentist, Dr. Sajjid Rizvi, at Happy Kids Dental today.


Tooth Decay Prevention In Kids

*Neither this nor any other content in this media is meant to prescribe, recommend, or prevent any treatment or procedure. We highly recommend that you get the advice of a qualified dentist or other medical practitioners regarding your specific dental condition.  

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