
Dental Crowns Variations Worth Considering

Dental Crowns Variations Worth Considering

Dental crowns play a vital and important role in overall modern dentistry today. That is why it is worth understanding the different dental crowns variations that are currently in use. For example, crowns that are considered porcelain fused to metal are quite popular today. This is also referred to as a porcelain bonded crown and is important because it combines the strength of a metal base with a ceramic covering that appears very natural in terms of looking like the actual tooth that it is replacing.

Metal Only Crown

In addition, porcelain or ceramic only type crowns are quite popular. This type of crown offers the best cosmetic result. This is simply due to the fact that it is highly effective at reproducing the natural look of the patient’s actual tooth. That said, keep in mind that this type of crown is not quite as strong as other types of metal crowns. Along with these two types of crowns there is also something known as a metal only crown. This is often seen as a crown that is made from gold. This version of a crown is clearly the most durable and requires the least amount of sizing down of the natural tooth. Gold crowns are impressive and can easily last a lifetime.

A Very Strong or Deliberate Bite
A Very Strong or Deliberate Bite

Metal crowns made from gold or other types of metals are perfect for a tooth that is not visible from the outside of the mouth. This is often the preferred type of crown for patients who have a very strong or deliberate bite. This is especially true of patients who may have a problem with teeth grinding or clenching. Because the metal is not brittle it will not break or chip. Keep in mind that one type of crown or another will usually be suitable to help patients enjoy a better quality of life when it comes to dental hygiene and outward visual appearance. Contact kids dentist in Stockton, Dr. Rizvi at Happy Kids Dental today for more information on dental crowns.

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